Looking Forward with 20/20 Vision
Welcome to the 14th Annual Educational Symposium & Exposition! Please continue to check this page for more details.
The Professional Development Team has put together an exciting day of learning and activities that we hope will delight and prepare you for new innovations in Technology and convey new perspectives in Operations, Human Resources and Finance. Our goal is to equip you with the most cutting edge knowledge, enabling you to better succeed in your roles.
The day will begin with registration and breakfast. Please be sure to arrive on time, as you will not want to miss our exhilarating opening keynote speaker, Joshua Evans, whose animated and energetic presentation will surely get you motivated for the day. Joshua will take us on a journey into the future of the employee experience and show us how to re-engage our staff beyond pay and benefits. This will be followed by the first breakout session.
The schedule this year is a bit more dynamic. After the first breakout session, we have set aside some fun time to network and mingle with our business partners. We encourage your participation to learn about their services, innovations in the business of law and win fantastic prizes while doing so. Instructions for this activity we are calling the “Passport Game” will be explained during the morning welcome. This will be followed by the second breakout session.
During lunch, the Professional Development Team has a surprise for you! Lunch will be followed by the third breakout session. And, back by popular demand is our closing keynote speaker, Dean Silverberg, Esq., who will discuss labor and employment law updates.
We encourage you to take the time to thoroughly read each course description and select your preferred sessions in advance. Course descriptions are located in the Session Overview page.
At the end of the day, please relax with us while enjoying cocktails, hors d’oeuvres and good conversations.
We Look Forward with 20/20 Vision to seeing you! #ALANYCSymposium14